“Happy are those who keep his decrees, who seek him with their whole heart,” Psalm 119:2 NRSV
In What Does Your Happiness Lie?
What is it that you are seeking or waiting for that you believe once you get it, you will be happy? What if you do not get it? What if it takes longer than expected? Will you still be happy?
I recently purchased a new Gratitude Journal. I love writing in my journal every night before bed. One of the questions asked in my journal was, “What Big Life Event or Goal Is My Happiness Attached To?” As I sat there for a moment, I realized that for the first time in probably a long time, I could honestly say, “Nothing”. There was absolutely nothing at that moment my happiness was attached to, which was a good feeling. Also, at that moment, I realized how much happiness I had deprived myself of over the years. It was all because I had been attaching it to someone or something that it should have never been connected to in the first place. I had been causing myself unnecessary disappointment and discouragement over the years; even robbing myself of peace at times. Wow! I believe that because of that ‘Aha’ moment, I can now really begin to enjoy my journey. What a refreshing thought.
Will I never be disappointed, discouraged or upset again? Sure, I will! It is a part of life simply because some things are beyond our control. But I believe it will be so much less because it will no longer be that I have attached my happiness to something or someone when it is in my control. I can choose not to do that. Therefore, if what I am expecting happens or does not happen, or if someone does or does not do what I expect, I can still be happy.
The LORD is our only constant; he never changes. Does that mean He will always give us what we want when and how we want it? No, but He is always on time, and He always give us what is best for us. He loves us just that much! When we attach our happiness to Him and not stuff, things, or people, it is then I believe we can genuinely enjoy our journey. Even during those times of disappointment and discouragement beyond our control, He will be there to help us. Notice I did not say attach our happiness to what He can do for us, but to Him. There is a difference. You might even say it is another level of trust.
So, from this moment on, choose carefully what you attach your happiness to.