“Coaching with Natasha has truly been enlightening for me. It’s just something about having another human being to bounce things off of and exchange ideas with. Honestly, I wasn’t sure initially, if I even wanted to be so transparent about my faults since people can be so fickle. But from Day 1, Coach Natasha has been so easy to talk to. Like an old friend. And that’s very encouraging because I want to grow, I want to be challenged to go from the me I’ve settled for to the me God has designed me to be! Thanks, Coach! I’m definitely on my way! ” C. Graham
“Talking to Natasha as my life coach has helped me. I wanted to do more with my skills and didn’t know how to start and she helped me with suggestions that are very helpful. I now write down all of my ideas and work on each one when I have free time. My mind is clearer now. Talking to her made me feel stress-free. Thank you for the help. I love my circuit. It eases my mind.” S. Council
” It was an absolute blessing and pleasure to have utilized the service(s) of Lifeline Life Coaching LLC. The response to me was in such a professional and caring manner. This really helped me to relax and begin learning how to move forward in life again. Thank you so much.” V. Cunningham