"Truth's shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of your Word makes my pathway clear."
Psalm 119:105 TPT
Finding Help in God’s Word
Most Bibles will have a section in the back called a Concordance, which is an alphabetical list of words with a list of Bible passages that contain the word you are searching for. You can also Google scriptures (example: scriptures about faith; scriptures about strength; scriptures about love; scriptures about joy, etc.) Remember, whatever you’re going through or facing, there’s encouragement in the Word of God. Below are some topics, click on the topic that relates to your situation.
When You Need…
When You Are Facing…
Bible versions used: AMP- Amplified, KJV – King James Version, NKJV – New King James Version, NIV – New International Version, NLT – New Living Translation, GNT – Good News Translation and TPT – The Passion Translation
If you haven’t accepted Christ and would like to, pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior.
If you prayed the prayer above and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, Congratulations and Welcome to the family!!! If you don’t already have or know of a church to attend, ask God to give you a church home where you can learn about Him and his Word. And where you can fellowship with others that have accepted Christ.
God Bless You!
Maybe you have turned from or lost your faith for whatever reason, and you would like to rededicate your life to Christ, pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, please forgive me for turning away from you and for every sin I have committed and all shortcomings. I forgive myself and I choose this day to rededicate my life to You. I commit myself to You, all of me, my heart, my mind, my words, my actions, everything I have and everything I am. Thank you for this opportunity and for your grace and mercy.
If you prayed this prayer, Congratulations! Don’t let the enemy or anyone make you feel that you are anything other than a forgiven child of God. God has forgiven you and you have forgiven yourself, now move forward.
God Bless You!